Chandnaish upazila of Chittagong has a special reputation in sports. There are various types of sports in the region such as wrestling, bullfighting, hadudu, dariya banda, gollachut, kana machi, malla juddha (wrestling), barshi baich and dangs. Moreover, during the monsoon season, local football competitions are held in different fields of the area. Moreover, popular cricket matches are held with pomp and circumstance. In winter, local and national team players are seen competing in badminton. In addition, the government-sponsored annual sports of various institution-based selection sessions, including sports for various national events.
Chandnaish upazila has a special tradition in entertainment. From ancient times the fairs, stage plays, circuses, puppet shows, traveling movies, merry-go-rounds are still in vogue as a great means of entertainment for the people. Moreover, pala songs like kavigan, jarigan, kirtan etc. are still popular among the people. Besides, there are competitions like boat racing, horse racing, rooster fighting, kite flying etc. Many a time in the beginning of winter, different theater groups organize tours in the area. Ethnic coexistence and harmony among the major Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and inhabitants (Tripura, Marma and Kheyang) have prevailed over the centuries due to the coexistence of different races and religions in the area. Here, social, cultural and political relations are elevated through loving bonds between all irrespective of race, caste, religion and tribe.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS